I finally found diner chairs and it was quite an exhilirating experience. We've had this circa 1950's table from Mike's grandpa for quite a while and we have had our wooden dining room chairs tucked nicely underneath it. You do what you have to when you don't want to fork out $200 plus for "vintage" diner chairs. I received an estate sale email notice the other day that pictured these beauties, so I planned my week around the sale. It was smack in the middle of nap time, but sacrifices must be made by all. I packed my babies up in 100 degree weather and toted them to what I thought was a regular ol' estate sale - Nope! It was an auction! A sweet, fellow bidder - and I say fellow because I did indeed become a bidder myself - noticed my confusion, pointed me in the right direction, and with a 15+ pounder strapped to my front and a 23+ pounder on my hip I joined the chaos. The crowd filed in the kitchen where I was standing guard by my chairs. I was cornered, my heart was pounding, and I was praying one of my children wouldn't decide they were tired of this exhilirating adventure. The cupboards filled with dishes - SOLD! The pantry filled with bakeware - SOLD! The oh so classy, insulated, drinking cups with fish on them - SOLD! I went head to head with "that other guy." My hands were full of frightened children so I had to give the nod every time the price went up. I was playing it cool. Didn't want to seem like I cared too much. (Oh, but I cared!!!) SOLD! The circa 1952 gray table and set of four red diner chairs! I was so into it I didn't realize it was over. I asked the lady next to me, "Did I get them?" She said yes. I asked her, "Do you know how much I paid for them?" Forty bucks!!! Anybody need the gray table?