Is this bad?
Milky Whites
Easter Egg "Hunt"
I have no Easter dress pictures because, well, she didn't have one and it snowed anyway. Maybe next year I will smock her a nice one...who am I kidding, she'll probably be wearing what Lydia Farley wore this year - and look beautiful in it. And maybe she won't have to wear a coat.
Puddles 2
Puddles 1
The pools become a river. The above picture is the view just to the right of this - same land different angle. It was no longer silent - the rush of the water sounded a lot like the distant hum of the highway in the city.
I think Olivia was in need of the solitude as well. It was pretty chilly out there and she politely denied our invitation to come inside. She just sat there. (I realized later she was filling her pockets with rocks. I kept thinking her jacket was heavy because it was wet.)
Swam out
No, just kidding. But we did wonder at times exactly how we would end up getting home. This is a quick video Mike took about 1/2 through the flood. About 6 more feet of water came after this. Most of the fence you see ended up completely under water. It rose significantly past where you see the car parked.
Obviously we made it home. Once the rain stopped, because we were close to the source of the river, the waters receded quickly - about a foot an hour we figured. The guys kept riding the four-wheeler down to the road and marking the water level (an excuse to ride the four-wheeler I think). Literally, we went to bed with a river running through the pasture behind the house and awoke to a debris filled, ground soaked, but waterless pasture. It was amazing.
Interestingly, the river is actually cresting today - four days after the rainfall. It makes sense. It takes time for all the run-off to fill the river. But I never thought about this. Last we heard they were sand bagging Hwy 44 and all but one lane was closed. If you have The Weather Channel or watch the news, you probably know more of the outcome of the cresting than I do. I have been busy all day doing all the things I had planned to do earlier in the week - and taking a super long walk in the warm, dry sunshine with the kids. (Mike is putting up the bannister.)
More pictures to come.
Flooded in
Just wanted you to know why we aren't returning phone calls. We'll post pictures and the rest of the story soon.
Gardening 101
Resistant to change
So Joseph barfed after lunch yesterday. No big deal. He has done that once before when he had a really runny nose and I figured...well, most of you know why one might throw up when they have a lot of snot, so I will save you that detail. Plus the fact that I might have barfed his lunch too. I think I got a little too much blackstrap molasses in his yogurt and it did taste a little gross. But he seemed fine afterward. My only concern was that he threw up a little more about 20 minutes later - never a good sign when a pattern forms. Nevertheless, he took his nap and seemed fine.
Upon waking he nursed. With the first burp, he sent the first bit of his snack back to the kitchen. In the meantime Olivia is waking up and needing to go to the bathroom. During that he sends back the rest of his snack. Poor guy. He napped again, ate a bit of applesauce for supper and nursed again before bedtime. Everything stayed down AND I had the first full 8 hours straight of sleep I have had since...well, I am certain it had to be during the early part of my pregnancy with Joseph.
So I awoke at 6:30 this morning in a chipper (for me) mood to the sounds of Olivia needing to go potty and Joseph wanting to nurse. All was completed in these departments and we were just wallowing around in the bed - Joseph laying his body across my stomach and his head on my chest, facing me (the positioning is important here). When out of no where, in the black of night, SHAZAM! Wait, sorry that is from The Best Christmas Pagent Ever. But still, out of no where Joseph barfed right in my face! Thankfully (I guess) my hair, eyes, mouth, neck, and pajamas took the brunt of it so it didn't go all over our bed. And thankfully (I guess) it hadn't been consummed for very long because it didn't smell or taste (sorry, but it is true) like...well, you know. It was like looking curiously down the spout of a very powerful water source - say, a fire hydrant. Then someone flips the switch and you're drenched.
Hope that little story gets you through hump day! Just thought you might like to know.
Vive la differaannz
"Pa-cowurns" and Perspective
Can you name that hymn? A little difficult to make out with a mouth full of popcorn - which, by the way, had I known it would be such a big hit I would have started making it for snack a long time ago. Olivia sings this one a lot - along with Go Tell it on the Mooouuunnntain, the ABC's, God our Father, and Jesus Loves Me. We have been singing Oh, For a Thousand Tongues to Sing to her at bedtime since she was born, but she never sings that one. Maybe that is just for Mom and Dad to sing?? She has been singing Holy, Holy, Holy a lot today for some reason. Maybe because I just happen to be on a horrible mood and need to hear it. My college roommate's parents gave Mike and me a hymnal when we got married. On the inside they reminded us that on our wedding day we had great cause to sing - singing would come eagerly and easily. But there would be times in life when we would not feel like singing. Then more than ever, they reminded us, was when we would need to sing the most - and not just any songs, but the songs of our faith. I didn't know that sometimes it would be our children singing our faith to us.