Have you ever had one of those days when everything just seems to be going right? This means that NONE of the following have happened:
1. You stick your finger in to check a diaper and find out, yep! it's poopy.
2. You fill the washing machine with HOT water, soap and dirty diapers but forget to close the lid and it never washes.
3. Nobody wants what you are serving for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. (Mike is always agreeable actually.)
4. You fumble a sippy cup and throw milk ALL over the kitchen.
5. You pick up a HOT cup of baby food, burn your finger and throw spinach ALL over the kitchen.
6. You finally get one kid down to sleep and as soon as #2 falls asleep #1 wakes up.
7. Somebody important comes over at 1:00 pm and you are still in your pajamas.
There are many more such happenings that make you feel like someone is really orchestrating a sabatoge against you. For the first few months of Joseph's life I really thought it was my children. All of this can happen in one day?! Without some intential force behind it?! I just pictured Olivia breezing past Joe's baby bed giving him a fist bump.
Thank the Lord, today was NOT one of those days. But with equal amazement that all of this too could happen in the same day, I present to you a day in which:
1. Both children slept through the night.
2. Joseph took two naps - the first early enough that
3. I got to exercise
4. His second nap was at the same time as Olivia so that
5. I got to take a shower and
6. Mulch the flower beds and
7. Complete a conversation on the phone with my mother
8. We ran two errands and made it home before anyone fell apart.
9. We ate lunch before anyone fell apart.
10. Olivia broke into spontaneous prayer for "girls and boys and the girls at my garden sale (yard sale on Saturday)" in the car while we were running errands.
11. All of our meals were moderately nutritious and everyone ate.
12. I walked into the kitchen to find Olivia singing Jesus Loves Me - into a beater (I think we watched a little too much American Idol this Spring.)
13. I got to read a bit of Scripture and Olivia and I got to paint a little.
14. Joseph was in a good mood all day - until the end where, I am sad to say his day just wasn't clickin'. First, Olivia clocked him in the nose with a ball. Then he shut his finger in the cupboard.
Finally, Ridley plowed him chasing after a toy. Poor kid. He was glad to go to bed.
15. A nice day ending walk on the expanded river front (the MS river is flooding - pictures to come) with a great breeze. The dog even went and not once did I curse because of her. And we ran into some friends who floated us a loan for parking because we forgot to bring cash.
Anyway, those are a lot of words about things that probably really only mean something to me. But they are a good reminder that clickin' or not, there is a Force that orders my days.
"You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways." Ps. 139