I have to admit that I get almost as excited about Valentines as I do Christmas. Clearly, the birth of Jesus means more to me than a Hallmark holiday. And what I love about Valentines has very little to do with Hallmark. My mom always made Valentines a family celebration. She didn't make a huge deal of it, but always made it special. Well, I say always...when did we start that tradition? Maybe it was once I became an only child...which is the way things always should have been. Ha! Just kidding. I can never pass up an opportunity to drop my brother in the bucket. Truth is I wouldn't trade my big brother for much. Anyway, once she inaugurated the tradition, Mom would get us just a little something special (usually something chocolate and raspberry) and cook a nice dinner. That was really it. But I really enjoyed it. And another truth is, sometimes I get too wrapped up in the routines and rhythms of the day and forget to stop and say/show love. One of my big ways of showing love is through service and so I think if I am washing their underwear and making their dinner they should know I love them. But it does not always work that way. So Valentines is a chance for me to practice saying it and showing it in their language...which for Olivia means candy and Joseph, physical affection and Greta, one on one attention and Henry, milk. For Mike all of the above...except probably the milk. :)
And of course we had to sing Happy Birthday and blow out candles because we were eating cinnamon rolls and we usually eat those on birthdays and Greta thinks whenever you light a candle or eat cinnamon rolls you have to sing Happy Birthday.