Still coping

Trying to keep warm with homemade lentil soup and parmesan and tomato muffins. It helped. (Thanks for the "wing it" recipe, Shannon. It came out as good as I remembered yours tasting.)

(By the way, I look at that lamp shade and think, "That is about how I feel most of the time." If Spring doesn't show up or Joseph get all these teeth in soon I might...figure out how to make it through it I guess. Most people do. And who am I to tell the Creator of the seasons when they should come and go?)


sammye said...

Don't worry it won't be as long as it has been. And, snows this time of year melt quicker. I don't see any silverware, did you just put your face in the soup? or skip the soup and drink the wine.? I'm proud of you for trying to make the best of a depressing situation. mom

Jeremy, Lisa, and Madeleine said...

Gag, sorry
unsophisticated brother

Shannon said...

glad the soup turned out!