I promise I do not dress her like this. Well, actually I do dress her like this - the mix matched pjs are proof that Spring really needs to get here - Olivia has outgrown all her Winter clothes. But I am talking about the headband. She did this on her own again today - different headband. Here she is doing some honey braided pretzel curls.

Here she is eating a honey braided pretzel. Kind of messes with the purpose of the exercise I think. She is not furrowing her brow...the headband is just a little low and tight.
She cracks me up!
In the first picture i couldn't figure out what that was on the floor behind O. Looked like a marine in camo crawling along the floor. Then i enlarged it - Oh, that's Ridley. I haven't seen her in a while. Didn't realize she was so camo - blends right in. Do i need to bring Olivia some new summer pj's? mom
no just a looser head band.
looks like O needs to be working out with that head band on, instead of pounding honey pretzels. She is going to love you when she is about 15 with all these great pictures.
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