Here is where they were - they really are that bright. We bought the bulbs in Holland, MI a few years ago.
He just woke up, pardon the scowl.
Now, I have to admit that not all of the daffodils were actually in our yard. The ones you see in the picture above are also in the vase in my kitchen. Mike says I have issues with generational sin. My mother got busted a few years ago (at Easter if I remember correctly), hopping the fence behind her house and lifting some tulips from a neighbor lady. Her explanation was that the woman had been moved to an assisted living facility and there wasn't anyone there to enjoy her flowers anyway. Mother thought she was doing her a service. Wouldn't you want someone to pick and enjoy your tulips if you weren't there. The thing is, my mother really would - so she assumed...well, turns out another neighbor spotted out her back window and called the elderly woman's daugther and told on my mother! My mother then got a nasty phone call from the daughter. If I remember right the woman didn't even give my mother a chance to give her logical explanation - she just chewed her out and hung up.
When Mike questioned my morals, I reminded him that these neighbors are never even out in their yard (most of the flowers I picked were in the back) and most of them (the flowers, not the neighbors) were dying or would be dead from frost bite after these next couple of days anyway. And PLUS I am the one who weeds their flower beds anyway! I was SAVING these flowers...and collecting a little allowance for my weeding chores. Maybe I should go ask if they would like to keep them inside their house? Durn conviction!
That is a great looking window sill!!
I really can't throw any stones regarding your theivery since I have (frequently) clipped flowers and greenery from public spaces and office parks. Once I cut enough cypress and cedar to make an entire Christmas garland for my banister.
Confessional (as in the Catholic booth, not the Westminster Confession). Another good use for a blog.
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