New favorite place

It seems to be becoming a tradition that Niki visits every May (Two years makes a tradition, right? And makes it reasonable for me to expect you to return next May, right?) This year her sister Tasha came too and even though we gave them our cold, I think they had a good time.One day we went to the Cabrillo National Monument park. It is at the end of a peninsula and...well, I'll have to tell you more about it later because I didn't even look at the monument while we were there. We spent most of our time down at the water in this great little cove that I am hoping to visit as often as we can. Above: O-diddy snacking on sandwich.
It's too bad that you can't tell from this picture all the different colors in those rocks. That was my favorite part I think. That and the fact that the kids could have probably played for hours - throwing rocks, finding shells...


When the tide comes in, this whole area is covered - so at low tide you can find tons of little creatures.
Realized recently that our friend and neighbor, Sarah was actually a camper at Camp Westminster while Niki and I were counselors. She had pictures to prove it - those were really unnecessary. Every time I look back at old pictures I see how truly long my awkward stage really lasted...I think maybe an entire decade. I may actually still be in it...
Who loves Aunt Niki?


Robby said...

I took my parents down to San Diego last month. We spent a day at the Wild Animal Park, and most of a day on the Midway. We were going to go to Cabrillo, but didn't realize it closed at 5 pm. That's such a beautiful area...

Looks like Niki and Tasha had a great time!

Michael and Mandy said...

You're dead meat for not calling.

Amy Veerman said...

What a fun looking place!

Do I detect you (6+ months pregnant) looking fabulous in the same non-maternity Target shirt I bought last week (which fits me with no room to spare)?!

sammye said...

These are great pictures. Staying in touch with old friends is so important. Looks like you were hving a fun time.

Robby said...

Next time!