We've been homeschooling through a charter school. Basically, that just means that we have support and accountability and incredible resources. One of the resources is field trips - that we don't have to organize or pay for (at least for Olivia because we get an allotment for her through the school because it is a public school). Back in January we went whale watching. Didn't actually see any whales, unfortunately. Big bummer was that the very next week the same area saw a large pod of orca whales!

We've been co-op-ing with the Osgood's - Declan (right) and Chaz (by him). Sadly, they have to move back to New York this spring. I am so sad.

No whales, but tons of common dolphin. I am not kidding about tons...the pod was over a mile long and they estimated over 2,000 of them.

And we saw sea lions!

And I almost tossed my cookies over the side. I wasn't sea sick, but pregnancy sick and being on the that boat...whew, it was r.u.f.f.

Bottlenose. They are considerably larger that then common dolphins. Smaller pods and they hang out closer to the shore. Those are the ones you usually see from the beach.

1 comment:
Congratulations!!! So excited for you! I feel your nauseousness!!! I'm 15 weeks this week and praying for it to subside...oh to feel normal again! Thankful for these 2 little ones. LOVE, LOVE...
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