So, here's the great thing about Mike - you can just show him and picture and say, "Can you make this?" and whammo! 5 straight years of Halloween costumes! And now I've learned I can do this at Christmas too. Wait till you see what he made them for Christmas.
He uses the sewing machine once a year. And fixes it about twice a year. Those are the other two times when I am actually sewing and get the bobbin screwed up somehow and am just about to throw the whole thing threw the window and he comes to the rescue. But that yearly, personal usage is reserved strictly for costumes. Sometime early 2013, Olivia declared she wanted to be a koala. I learned 5 years ago not to doubt these declarations. She said she wanted to be a zebra in 2009 and I was sure she would change her mind and want to be a princess instead, so I did nothing by way of preparations. Which is why we found ourselves in Wal-Mart, day of, buying supplies and sent her out trick or treating with a warning not to lean on anyone's house as her stripes were still wet.
There were mock patterns and fittings and in a day and a half we had 3 costumes. It is our practice to borrow or use hand-me-down for the youngest until they are at least 3, longer if we can swing it.
Princess Leia and the neighborhood pirate, which, if you know Lilly, is pretty appropriate.
It also seems appropriate for Greta to be Princess Leia and not Princess Belle or Jasmine or something dainty like that. She looked more natural with a silver and purple taser than a wand.
Face paint and head gear - that is my job at Halloween.
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