Levi trying to teach Olivia to run with a kite.
Olivia on the "ruins." These are fake ruins, by the way, for anyone who doesn't know that. Sorry to "ruin" the authentic feel for you. Henry Shaw wanted the park to look older than it was, like his British homeland, so he built these fake ruins to give it a feel of antiquity - it works.
Isaiah allowing Olivia into his and Levi's "secret" bamboo hideout.
This is Abel. He and Joseph were supposed to be delivered just two days apart from one another - only Joseph came three weeks early. Alice and I were college roommates and now we are raising our families just four doors down from one another. But, as you can see, we have five children between us so we don't get to spend nearly as much time together as we would like.
Does Olivia have a butt shelf?
I hope she is better at flying a kite than Charlie Brown. The Tucker's have cute kids too.
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