Where else can you feed a family of four for 7 bucks (thanks to July $ days - five dogs and two cokes), play in the sand, watch your old favorite home team (two homes ago), and run the bases? The Padres stadium is just a block from our condo and it is the most kid friendly ball park I have ever been in. They played the Braves and lost, unfortunately. They aren't doing too well. But it was a lot of fun and the kids made it nearly to the 7th inning and we got there an hour and a half early for batting practice. This is the kids in the sandbox behind center field during batting practice (that is me and Joe behind Olivia).

Joseph digs the dogs.

They have a miniature diamond outside the stadium where kids can play - Olivia ran the bases. Good form, eh? Elbows up, head tucked.

I am somewhat embarassed to say that I mistook The Padre for the Little Ceasar's guy - couldn't figure out the significance of Little Ceasar out on the field...turns out it wasn't him after all. Go Padres!
Mike's form was pretty good too.
Retractions and Corrections: The Padres actually won the game we went to on Friday night. It was quite a game. Jake Peavy pitched, who is also hitting .271 with 73 at bats this year. He held the Braves to four hits overall and shut 'em out. The first three hits of the ball game were two triples and a double, all by the Padres. I don't think I've ever seen that in a game. Nonetheless, Mandy's mistake is understandable. We left around the sixth inning to get the kids in bed, and the Padres have not won another game at home since we've been here. Oh well, that makes tickets easy to find.
I am only used to Mandy writing on this blog and when i read this i thought, "Boy, that girl knows her stats!" Then I saw that Mike signed it. STILL pretty impressive to know/remember all that. I concentrate on watching the Mascot and eating hot dogs when i go to a ball game. Sammye
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