I have nervously started my own project. I think I am a closet crafter. I have always wanted to be one, but
1. I was afraid I didn't have what it took to pull it off.
2. I didn't want to be labeled and get the reputation of a crafter because, let's face it - those of you who are true blue crafters have issues (as I clearly do).
3. I was afraid I would get sucked into the crafting vortex and never get anything else accomplished - like when I graduated from seminary and decided to learn two new skills (in case a career as a therapist didn't work out) - I took a few golf lessons and I learned to crochet. Well I couldn't afford to golf and truth is I wasn't that good (too bad for Mike), but the crocheting took over my life. I think I made about 60 baby blankets. Any spare or not so spare moment I had I was doing one more row - just one more row!!!
4. And finally I had two small incidents in high school that sort of tainted crafting for me...actually three now that I think of it. The first, a homemade earring "business" I started with a girlfriend in middle school never got off the ground - failure. The second, I dropped out of home economics in high school because after three weeks we were still running notebook paper through the sewing machines learning to sew in straight lines. I didn't have time for that (I also clearly have pride issues) - failure. And finally, that same year my parents bought me a sewing machine so I could make my prom dress. Don't laugh (and don't think my parents were the kind to buy us any little thing we wanted for hair brained ideas - they weren't). I had it all scetched out - it was going to be a tank type dress of light blue with white sequen daises with yellow centers. Possibly I should have gone into fashion designing and not longed for crafting. Nevertheless, I attempted a "simple" halter shirt before diving into the prom dress. It was supposed to have a zipper in the back, but I got a little antsy to wear it and just sewed up the back thinking, "Is the zipper all that necessary?" Well, apparently it was necessary because once I got it on I couldn't get it off. My mother had to cut it off me - failure. My crafting future was doomed.
But having children has inspired me again. Mike actually got me a sewing machine for my birthday - I couldn't believe my parents sold my old one in a garage sale years ago. I have to admit, though that I have been afraid of my new sewing machine. It sat in the box for a few weeks - while we found a place to put it. Then it sat on the table for a few weeks - while I found time to skim the manual. I finally threaded it last week. Now for the notebook paper! But while I am building my nerve to start sewing again, I started this little project for Olivia's birthday. It is from a fun book that Mike also got me for my birthday.
I'll post the finished project and the birthday girl later today.
Are you going to put a zipper in this? ... just in case!
What is that??? The Burger King crown laying flat? Will you sew something for the mouse also?
I'll sew something closed for you. :)
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