Did you know that deer grow antlers every year?! Olivia got My Big Backyard magazine from her Uncle Doug for her birthday and the feature this month is antlers/horns. Every spring the antlers start to grow and they are covered in something called velvet that actually looks like velvet that eventually dries up and sheds. Then they fall off in the winter I guess. I had no idea.
Animal fact for you.
That is why you see them rubbing the trees with their antlers. They are rubbing off the velvet. That is also why you can tell the age, the get new points every year.
I knew that, but maybe it is because I got My Big Backyard when I was younger too! You should also look into Ranger Rick(if they even still make that), which I also got and loved. Maybe that is why I love animals and biology so much now.
Wait! I thought I got My Big Backyard and Emily you got Ranger Rick:) I saved My Big Backyard for years. They got the ditch once they started making Sports Illustrated for Kids. Happy Birthday Olivia!
I love my cousins.
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