Cautiously Optimistic

I think I might frame these baby blues. They are the first pair of "big girl panties" to make it through a day unsoiled. We have been what I like to call "open potty trainers." We're open to it, but not totally commited. Months and months ago, when Olivia first showed interest, we would take her when she asked and occasionally ask her if she wanted to go, but never forced the issue. Maybe it was laziness, maybe it was genius. We'll never know. Last Friday Olivia woke up from her nap and decided she wanted to put on her panties. She has had a couple of liquid accidents, but none of the other variety and none, praise the Lord, on carpet. Sunday was a busy day. All during the course of a morning at worship, she pee-ed on herself once, three times in the potty and pooped once (in the potty). She is well-hydrated I suppose. I was planning to wait until Spring, but if she is ready... And the best part is she can do it entirely by herself (at home). It takes her about 10-15 minutes start to finish, but she is doing it.

1 comment:

Sage said...

Congratulations! Keep up the good work Olivia! (oh yeah and mike and mandy :)