
That's right - sex. The sermon this evening was on Ephesians 5:1-14 - a passage contrasting the old man (not a believer in Christ) and his behaviors and temptations and the new man (one who has called on Christ as savior and purposed to, in God's strength, shed the behaviors and temptations of the old man). Okay, so more specifically the chapter is about sexual immorality and the like.

Some of you know that we try to keep our kids in the service as long as possible and then take them to the nursery when they become a distraction to others. Olivia is doing great with this - staying longer and longer each week. She was in rare form tonight anyway - dancing through all the music, spotting people she knew and giving them "the nod." She was especially attentive. So, when Stephen starts the sermon and says the word sex about 10 times in the first 3 minutes it gets Olivia's attention. We meet in a beautiful, old Lutheran church (see picture above - the is the Harbor Uptown site) so the accoustics are great. So, naturally, when she asks "He is talking about sex?" during an ill placed pause in the sermon, the whole congregation and some people out on Park Blvd. heard it.

Obviously we decided this was the best time to take her to the nursery. Most of the time she asks to go. This time she informed her dad on the way out that she didn't want to go to the nursery. She wanted to "stay and listen to him."

In the mean time we have decided that we will answer any questions on the topic (if they come up again) on a need to know basis.


Shannon said...

That's great!

Christine said...

Mandy - I ahve got to call you and tell you how you made my day with this entry! Will do so later....it's only 5am in San Diego!
Love, Christine

Alyssa said...

Oh my word! Dan and I were both laughing out loud. I can't believe she wanted to stay! Anyway... we love looking at all your CA pics and were wondering if you would bring us some In-N-Out home (since it really is good cold)!!! :)