Random Finale

Sorry if you are bored of the Weekend in Farmington posts. I haven't had (or taken) a bunch of time on the computer lately so this has drug on a bit too long. There were a couple of other fun things to highlight. (I can already tell this is going to do the wrap around text again - sorry, I know that is hard to read.)

So the deal with Farmington was that we got 2 free nights, a dinner for two at a "fancy" restaurant, a tiger viewing at the tiger sanctuary, a round of golf for two, and a tour of the winery and lunch for two - all for 50 bucks and listening to a time share schpeal. We talked the Pollacks into going with us and with the way things started out we weren't too sure we would still have their friendship by the end of the weekend. But in the end a good time was had by all.

The Tigers were fun to look at. Above is a lioness - not sure what she was doing at a tiger sanctuary - our "guide" didn't know either. In fact, she didn't know much. I asked about ten questions (I like interesting animal facts) and she didn't know a single answer. Of course, I had also seen her working at the front desk of our hotel about an hour and a half earlier???? She did say, as we were passing this lioness, "You might want to know that she is pretty fond of children." What does that mean? Well, about that time she (the lioness) started stalking Joseph. Really. If you blow up this picture you can tell that she is slowing getting up. She lurked her way all the way to the fence and then pounced toward him. All the girls backed away, but Joseph thought she was great - and we all thought it was interesting so we kept letting him go over to the fence to watch her do it. (There were two layers of fencing with about a 4 foot space in between them, grandparents.) She would move until he looked at her or until I moved closer and then she would stop or even look the other way as if she were trying to make us believe she wasn't interested. It was fascinating.

There were actually five turtles here, but you can't see the 5th. St. Joe State Park

DJ Jazzy Lauren and the Funky Bunch. This was at Elephant Rocks - fun place to hike around.


Amy Veerman said...

I think I see where Olivia learned the smiling stranglehold she had on Lauren in all her birthday pictures :)

Jeremy, Lisa, and Madeleine said...
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Michael and Mandy said...

Sorry, Jer I deleted your comment. I always wondered what that little trash can icon did??? Joseph was just as fascinated by the lion as we were - we weren't using him as bait. And there is no way that lion was getting out of there - there was even fencing over the top if I remember right.

Jeremy, Lisa, and Madeleine said...

So you have to practice the trash can on my comment......huh, conspiracy