Phuture Phelps?

This is what he eats - bacon, eggs, toast with almond butter and jam. Twice as much as his sister (at almost every meal) and so fast it is blurry. And yet he is in the 15th percentile for weight!! 22 pounds as of yesterday at his 17 month check up (that was supposed to happen at 15 months). He has had a rough couple of weeks - fever, snot, four enormous molars, cough, diarrhea (see previous post about "normal household conversation"),restless sleep (which means we have also had a rough couple of weeks).

Stats for the grandparents:
22 lbs
30 inches high
He is eating and drawing with his right hand, but golfs and throws balls with his left hand - and pretty well I might add. Although, I just noticed in this picture that he is eating with his left hand - apparently he uses the fork with his right until he needs to eat for effeciency, then he switches.
He would rather sleep with his water bottle than a blanket or animal. He snuggles with it like a blanket - weird.

1 comment:

Amy Veerman said...

Has your pediatrician ever seen your tall string bean husband? (No offense Mike) That might help him/her put Joe's height/weight ratio in context :)
Kate also snuggled with her water bottle long before attaching to anything more cuddly! Finally we had to take it away b/c her diaper would get sooo wet in the night. They way she pined for it you would have thought we threw a treasured teddy bear in the trash right in front of her eyes. Crazy.